
Water Restored by Sunday: Official

A Public Works Ministry water resources official said that hundreds of thousands of Jakartans who have been without access to water would finally get some relief by Sunday.

Mohammad Amron said on Sunday that repair work on a broken dike in East Jakarta would be fixed that afternoon.

“It’s already 80 percent fixed,” Amron said. “I’m assuming that it will be done by 2 p.m. today.

According to Amron, once the installation of some 60 sheet piles was completed, the water could again begin flowing to the Pulogadung water treatment facility in Pejompongan, South Jakarta.

The temporary fix will mean that water company PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyja) will begin receiving a steady supply of water again.

Aetra, the other private water company affected by the breach, was able to restore partial service on Friday. 

Amron added that a permanent repair of the breach would take about a year and cost up to Rp 2 billion ($235,000).

The disruption has been ongoing since Wednesday, caused by the bursting of a dike in Kalimalang, East Jakarta.

Sunday’s repairs, however, did not go as smoothly as planned. Minor equipment malfunctions led to work crew delays, said Hasanudin, a visiting adviser from Citarum River dam in Wests Java.

“At about 1 a.m., there occurred a hydraulic hose rupture, then the spare part of it was repaired, so that the repairing of the breach was continued again at 6 a.m.” Hasanudin said.

Repair efforts were also hampered, he said, by a lack of skilled personnel to operate some of the heavy machinery.

