With the realigned Russian Soyuz TMA-21 schedule not impacting on STS-134′s launch date, Endeavour is pressing on with her April 19 target, after completing the first week of what will likely be her final pad flow. The week has been marked by the usual Interim Problem Reports (IPRs) and the slight drama of a dropped tool, but it'll mostly be remembered for the tragic death of one of her loyal engineers.
It is often underestimated as to the risks of working with the orbiters – as much as health and safety is a massive part of the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) culture. And while the details are vague – as they should be due to private and investigation purposes – Pad 39A witnessed the tragic death of United Space Alliance (USA) engineer James D. Vanover on March 14. RIP.
With management standing down the pad flow as a result, Mr Vanover's colleagues bravely opted to return to work the next day, picking up from the successfully conducted Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) hotfire and mating of the Rotating Service Structure (RSS), into the operations relating to the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) Flight Readiness Test (FRT).
"Launch Pad Validation (S0009) operations resumed. SSME Flight Readiness Test (FRT) and ET actuator cycling are complete," noted the NASA Test Director (NTD) reports this week (L2). "Hydraulic system closeouts were started with a minor anomaly noted. System 1 compressibility is good.
"Systems 2 & 3 failed compressibility tests and re-run following hose re-mate (the operation allows this contingency without an IPR). He signature test and ball seal leak checks will now be performed next week."
With leak checks and retorque operations all deemed nominal on the Ground Umbilical Carrier Plate (GUCP), preparations for pre-launch propellant servicing were put in work, as engineers mated Quick Disconnects on the Aft OMS (Orbital Manevering System) and RCS (Reaction Control System), after beginning what is known as S0024 operations on Friday morning.
"S0024 Hypergolic Propellant Servicing is in work: Call-to-Stations was completed at 2035 EDT Thursday night," added the NTD report. "RCS driver test is complete. Forward RCS and Left OMS oxidizer load is in work Friday morning. Aft RCS and Right OMS oxidizer load Friday afternoon. Forward/Aft RCS and OMS fuel load is scheduled for Friday night."