
FD3 recieves $57,069 grant

St. Tammany Fire District 3 recently purchased six new hydraulic hose reels and five

new extrication tools with $57,069 provided by the Assistance to Firefighter Grant

and the Department of Homeland Security.

The money allowed FD3 to outfit each of its rescue units with 300 feet of hydraulic

hose line. 

Extrication tools (cutters, spreaders "jaws of life" and ram) are each supplied by

100 feet of hose line. Hose reels will make for a quick deployment of extrication

tools to the person or persons trapped. 

FD3 Firefighter Eljay Schmalz using an extrication tool purchased with a grant from

Assistance to Firefighter Grant and the Department of Homeland Security. (Photo

courtesy of Fire District 3)

Funding for professional installation of these hose reels is included in the grant. A

new set of extrication tools replaced the outdated and smaller equipment previously

housed on the department's Rescue 31. 

Two battery operated hydraulic cutters/spreaders were also purchased to be placed on

a second and third ambulance.

These tools allow EMS to quickly extricate trapped patients if a rescue unit is not

available on scene.  FD3 personnel tested this new equipment during our monthly

training evolution in February.

